66% Accuracy (2 correct statements out of 3 statements)

Day's Theme - Wild swings, especially in the first hour of trading. Strong bullish move between 11am - 12pm est. Closes up AND/OR close to even for the day.
1-Day High - will form in the first in the first 45 minutes of trading AND/OR between 11am - 12pm est. AND/OR in the post-market. A big move to the high AND/OR big move off of the high.
1-Day Low - will form in the first 45 minutes of trading AND/OR in the last hour of trading. Rallying off of the lows.
Planned Trades - Place trades before 10:30am est. Trades will likely be to open straddles and/or strangles. I will attempt to open the legs individually at the highs and lows.

#MecuryRetrograde @12:59am est.
#MoonTaurusSextileMarsPisces @5:16am est.
#MoonTaurusTrinePlutoCapricorn @6:01am est.
#MoonTaurusTrineJupiterCapricorn @8:02am est.
#MoonEntersGemini @5:00pm est.
#MoonGeminiTrineSaturnAquarius @6:34pm est.
#MarsPiscesSextilePlutoCapricorn @7:08pm est.
#Tarot #traders #FinancialMarkets #SPX #StandardAndPoors #Stockmarket #EsotericAnalysis #StockMarketPrediction #StockMarketForecast #2020Forecast #Precognition #S&P500
#2020stockmarket #BeatTheMarket #DayTradingGuidance #TarotAndStockMarket #DayTrading #PatternTrading #SwingTrading #StockMarketPsychic