Day's Theme - Partnerships. Equanimity. Unexpected stroke of good fortune allows for the resolution of financial problems AND/OR the clearing of debt.
1-Day High - will form around the close AND/OR the pre-market.
1-Day Low - will form between the open and 11am est. AND/OR again between 12pm - 2:30pm est.
Planned Trades - Holding long puts. Might make a trade around noon dependent on the day's behavior prior to that point. TBD

#MoonEntersScorpio @3:05pm est.
#MoonSquareSaturn @6:10am est.
#MoonOppositionUranus @2:31pm est.
#MoonQuincuxKiron @3:20pm est.
#2ofCups #3ofDisks #XILust #AceOfCups #8ofSwords #0theFool #IVtheEmperor #KnightOfSwords #AceOfWands #KnightOfWands #IIItheEmpress #Xfortune
#Tarot #traders #FinancialMarkets #SPX #StandardAndPoors #Stockmarket #EsotericAnalysis #StockMarketPrediction #StockMarketForecast #2020Forecast #Precognition #S&P500
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