% ( correct statements out of statements.)
Day's Theme - Gap down AND/OR opens around the same level as Wednesday's low AND/OR bouncing around a support / resistance level in the premarket. Some sideways movement AND/OR price swings from the open. A move higher from roughly 9:45am to 11:15am est. An economic authority AND/OR Fed Chair Powell will be highlighted between 10am and 12:15pm est. From roughly 11am to 1pm est. there is a decline to a support level AND/OR sideways rotation. Followed by a notable breakdown through support around midday followed by sideways movement or price swings. Notable move higher into the close. Closes significantly higher AND/OR near the opening level.
1-Day High - undetermined.
1-Day Low - undetermined.
Planned Trades - I will not be placing trades today.

#MoonAriesConjunctionChironAries @8:51am est.
#MercuryVirgoQuincunxMarsAries @9:15am est.
#MercuryVirgoSextileVenusCancer @4:32pm est.
#MoonAriesQu incunxSunVirgo @6:00pm est.

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