100% Accuracy (6 correct statements out of 6 statements.)

Day's Theme - Trump or an international equivalent are highlighted. Range bound in the premarket. Price Swings AND/OR decline from the open through 10:30am est. A little bit of retracement from 10am through 11am. Around 10:45am to 12:30pm est. there is a notable move to a low AND/OR off of a low. A trade opportunity around 11:45am -1:15pm est.
1-Day High - Undetermined.
1-Day Low - Multiple lows. Premarket low AND/OR one or two lows between 11am and 2pm est. AND/OR in the post market. A little bit of a rally AND/OR sideways movement around a support/resistance line between 1:45pm to 3:15pm est. The brief rally slows around 3pm - 4pm est but picks back up in the postmarket.
Planned Trades - Trade windows around the open AND around the close.

Below is a secondary reading for 8/10/2020 for added

#MoonTaurusSextileVenusCancer @2:23am est.
#MercuryLeoSquareUranusTaurus @8:52am est.
#MoonTaurusConjunctionUranusTaurus @7:05pm est.
#MoonTaurusSquareMercuryLeo @9:12pm est.
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