100% (10 correct statements out of 10 statements.)

Day's Theme - Gap down followed by a strong rally to resistance in the post market OR a gap up in the premarket followed by a decline to support around the open. Bounces around a support/resistance level from the open until roughly 10:15am est. From roughly 9:45am to 11:15am est. there is a decline AND/OR more sideways movement. At roughly mid-session there is a completion of a trend. Around 12:30pm to 2pm est. there will a notable drop off of a peak AND/OR more rotation & sideways movement until roughly 3pm. A brief rally to a resistance level followed by a dip below it. Closes higher but off of the high AND/OR closes lower but around a level that will become a notable pivot point. Indecision with sideways movement AND/OR prices swings in the post market.
1-Day High - Following day.
1-Day Low - Strong decline to the low.
Planned Trades -
1) I plan to sell to close long calls at the open.
2) At the open I plan to sell to close long equities in exchange for buy to open Sept ATM calls + Sept ATM puts in anticipation of a near term decline.
3) I plan double down on shallow OTM puts around 12pm-1pm est. AND/OR around the last hour of trading.
4) I plan to buy to open some shallow OTM long calls AND/OR ATM long calls around the last hour of trading.

#MoonScorpioOppositionUranusTaurus @12:00am est.
#MercuryVirgoQuincunxChironAries @9:35am est.
#MoonScorpioTrineVenusCancer @9:51am est.
#MoonScorpioSextileJupiterCapricorn @12:21pm est.
#MarsAriesSquareSaturnCapricorn @2:19pm est.
#MoonScorpioTrineNeptunePisces @3:47pm est.
#MoonScorpioSextilePlutoCapricorn @8:36pm est.
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