90% (9 correct statements out of 10 statements.)
The theme and overall behavior of the S&P 500 throughout the today is that of sudden unexpected losses. The day may be highlighted by a relationship that was relied upon ending through misfortune or a negative outcome. Pre-market behavior is sideways bullish rotations that create a false confirmation of a breakout through a resistance level seemingly creating new support. Economic data before or around the open results in bullish rotation around the first high of the day. That bullish rotation then becomes sideways bearish rotation AND/OR a significant drop as nervous investors brace for hard times. Roughly between the open and 11 AM I plan to take the opportunity to create a balanced position through the use of options and/or hedging long positions. Roughly from 11 AM through 12 PM there will be a strong decline which is followed by a powerful move higher around 12pm -1pm that creates a second crest. This move higher highlights some optimism having to do with encouraging news. After the mid-day jump higher, there is more bearish rotation that significantly increases in volatility as we move toward the close. A notable reversal around roughly 2pm to 3pm. Moving into the close the S&P revisits a low and/or continues declining. Notable price swings around the close. A strong move higher in the post market.

#MoonCancerSquareChironAries @12:53am est.
#MoonCancerSextileUranusTaurus @1:02am est.
#MoonCancerTrineMercuryPisces @1:46am est.
#MoonCancerQuincunxSaturnAquarius @5:02am est.

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#2020stockmarket #BeatTheMarket #DayTradingGuidance #TarotAndStockMarket #DayTrading #PatternTrading #SwingTrading #StockMarketPsychic #S&P