The Week's Theme - Wide margin between this week's high and low. Green light to open states and governments. Opportunity on Wednesday.
Mon - Gap up. Sideways most of the day. Finishes up. An opportunity for an overnight trade will present itself around the close.
Tues - Gap up. Opportunity around the open. Rises most of the day but then falls after a "truth" comes to light AND/OR something that remains unknown spokes the market. Finishes close to flat. Moon enters Taurus @10:10pm est.
Wed - Gap down at the open caused by global highlight that takes place overnight (Moon in Taurus squares Saturn in Aquarius @ 1:58am.) Day of weekly opportunity. Sun enters Gemini @ 9:49am est. Opportunity at the open AND/OR at the surprise around 2pm - 3pm est. Moon in Taurus Conjunct Uranus in Taurus @2:07pm est. Highest probability for this Week's Low. Global issues highlighted. Closes significantly higher AND/OR possible morning star formation. Venus in Gemini Squares Neptune in Pisces @7:03pm est.
Thurs - Gap up at the open. Opportunity at the open. Leading economic indicators at 10:30am est. results in a strong decline. Closes down sharply.
Fri - Mercury in Gemini conjunct Venus in Gemini @4:41am est. AND Sun in Gemini trine Saturn in Aquarius @8:02am est. Gap up. Moon enters Gemini @ 9:36am est. AND Mercury in Gemini squares Neptune in Pisces @11:43pm est. AND New Moon in Gemini @1:39pm est. Strong bullish move today AND/OR new multi-week high is reached. Highest probability for this Week's High. Closes up.

#PlutoRetrograde #PlutoRetrogradeInCapricorn #SaturnRetrogradeCapricorn #SaturnInCapricorn #SaturnRetrograde #VenusRetrograde #VenusRetrogradeGemini #VenusInGemini #JupiterRetrograde #JupiterRetrogradeCapricorn #JupiterInCapricorn
#4thQuarterMoon #WaningCrescentMoon #MoonInAries #MoonEntersTaurus #MoonInTaurus #MoonEntersGemini #MoonInGemini #NewMoon #NewMoonGemini
#XXtheAeon #10ofCups #PrinceOfCups #PrincessOfDisks #KnightOfCups #XILust #PrincessOfSwords #9ofCups