The Week's Theme - Significant financial opportunity. Strong decline in the early week. Pivot point on Wednesday/Thursday. Strong rebound off of the weeks low. Market finishes up after much volatility.
Mon - Market Closed for Memorial Day.
Tues - Significant Market Failure eminent. First high for the week takes place today.
Wed - Opportunity to switch from being bearish to being bullish. This week's low.
Thurs - Strong rebound. A financial authority is involved in this rebound.
Fri - Some selling back to a support level. Second high for the week takes place today.
Week's High- will form on Tuesday AND/OR on Friday. The high(s) will partnership, and concerns about commitment and choice in ongoing union.
Week's Low- will form on Wednesday. There will be plenty of bargains for stocks in good companies.
Trading Opportunities:
1) Stay bearish until Wednesday.
On Wednesday:
1) For maximum profit close bearish positions on Wednesday while fear is at its maximum and REALIZE PROFITs.
2) Buy longer term straddle that expires post Mercury Retrograde's Station on 6/17/2020 (preferably with expiration on 7/3/2020.) These will probably be closed after 1:30pm est. on 6/9/2020 AND/OR after 11:39am est. on 6/30/2020.
3)Buy Long term straddle that expires after the Mercury Retrograde Post-Shadow is over (preferably with expiration on 7/31/2020.) These will probably be sold after 3:23pm est. on 6/21/2020.

#PlutoRetrograde #PlutoRetrogradeInCapricorn #SaturnRetrogradeCapricorn #SaturnInCapricorn #SaturnRetrograde #VenusRetrograde #VenusRetrogradeGemini #VenusInGemini #JupiterRetrograde #JupiterRetrogradeCapricorn #JupiterInCapricorn
#MercuryEntersCancer @2:09pm est. on Th. 5/28
#1stQuarterMoon #1stQuarterMoonInCancer #WaxingCrescentMoon #MoonInCancer #MoonEntersLeo #1stQuarterMoonInLeo #MoonInLeo #MoonEntersVirgo #MoonInVirgo #1stQuarterMoonInVirgo
#MercuryGeminiQuincuxPlutoCapricorn @12:26am est. on M. 5/25.
#MarsPiscesSextileUranusTaurus @2:48am est. on M. 5/25.
#MercuryGeminiQuincuxJupiterCapricorn @11:35am est. on T. 5/26.
#SunGeminiSextileKironAries @9:57am est. on F. 5/29.
#MercuryCancerQuincuxSaturnAquarius @8:25pm est. on F. 5/29.
#Tarot #traders #FinancialMarkets #SPX #StandardAndPoors #Stockmarket #EsoMetaAnalysis #PredictTheStockMarket #2020forecast #stockmarketforecast #precognition #BeatTheMarket #SandP500 #PredictTheStockmarket #StockmarketPsychic