#FullMoon #FullMoonInCancer #WaningGibbousMoon #MoonInTaurus #MoonInGemini #MoonInCancer #MoonVoidOfCourse
#SunConjuctionMercury #MoonOppositionSun #MarsSextileJupiter #MercurySextileSaturn #SunSextilePluto #MercuryTrineNeptune #VenusSquareNeptune #MoonQuincuxPluto #MoonQuincuxMercury #MoonOppositionVenus #MoonSquareNeptune #MoonQuincuxSaturn
#7ofWands #KnightOfSwords #KnightOfWands #4ofDisks #7ofCups #2ofCups #VIIIadjustment #QueenOfWands #9ofDisks#Historical one day chart of S&P 500 #Historical stock market news head lines #Free customizable technical stock charts

#VtheHierophant - S&P sold back down to 13 day ema.
#IIIthePriestess - S&P broke through 13 day ema.
#AceOfDisks - S&P bounced off of 50-day support, providing a good buy opportunity on an hourly 5-day chart.
#10ofSwords - S&P has a significant drop on an hourly 5-day chart.
#4ofCups - S&P has significant drop on an hourly 5-day chart, retesting 50-day ema support.